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Learning is a continuous Process. It is an instrument to foster your future to achieve the Goal. The need of the hour is to reorient, modernize our Education in order to make it a proper direction and channelize the talents in right direction. We have innovatively designed this Organisation in order to cater the urgent need and emergent aspirants, It is to impart need based Technical and Professional education in the fields of Information Technology and Career based Learning. The key to our success depends on the dedication of each individual. We need to work hard to maintain excellence in teaching in order to compete with other Technological Institutions in Odisha. <br/> The main fundamental of our Organsiation is for upliftment of socioeconomic values of the students. Best quality teaching and all other advanced up to date facilities are here catering the needs of the present day learner with best experienced faculties which shall enrich their knowledge and promote overall development of a Student. <br/> The Institute has already marked its presence as a leading Educational Institution. We build a unique portfolio in the field of education to surpass competitors in quality, innovation, and value to become the world's most trusted educational organisation. <br/> However, NIT is born out of a sense of concern, dedication and passion to shape everyone for excellence and make those winners in getting hobs in this highly competitive career world. I strongly believe, like me you would also love to enjoy the proud privilege of becoming a part of this Organisation which has already witnessed 10 glorious years of its existence. <br/><i><b>We build you up how to firmly entangle your career. 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